Our dentist in Hobart, IN, may recommend fillings if you have small cavities. As the name suggests, a filling is a dental restoration that we use to fill and restore a tooth after removing decay. By using a white composite filling, our dentist is able to restore the full function and natural appearance of your tooth.

Hobart Indiana Fillings Dentist

Here’s what else you need to know about the tooth filling procedure at Ridgewood Dental PC.

What Can I Expect When Getting a Filling?

First, we’ll use a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and surrounding gum tissue. Once you’re numb and comfortable, we’ll remove the decay and fill the tooth with a composite resin before hardening it in place. Our Hobart dentist will expertly blend the composite resin to match the natural color of your enamel. That way, you won’t be able to tell where your natural enamel ends and your filling begins.

Your mouth will be numb for several hours after your appointment. For this reason, please avoid any hot drinks until you regain full sensation in your mouth. Otherwise, you risk accidentally burning yourself. Also, avoid eating foods that require a lot of chewing while you’re still numb.

How Long Do Cavity Fillings Last?

In general, a composite resin filling will last about five years with proper care. This means that you’ll need to continue practicing good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once daily. Also, avoid bad habits that could damage your filling such as chewing ice or grinding your teeth.

The better you take care of your smile, the longer you can expect your dental filling to last.

Request an Appointment With Us

Our dentist in Hobart, Indiana, is accepting new patients and would be more than happy to help you maintain a healthy smile for life. To schedule an appointment, please call Ridgewood Dental PC at (219) 947-2922. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.